Since my last post I've had a birthday. A day for celebration perhaps or for the emo pessimists out there..a day closer to the grave!! Why is it birthdays give cause to reflect on the year gone by and the things you have not yet acheived? Or am I just one of those miserable sods whose glass is continually half empty? To avoid the birthday blues (yes, I get them almost annually..I know there is no need for them and its sheer self indulgence and self pity!!) I told myself in a calm and authoritive manner than I am "not a year older, but simply a day older than the day before". It had some effect.
In the past year I have become a volunteer Play Assistant on my local Children's Ward which gives me great joy and some sense of worth. I have watched with pride as my Other Half did a charity abseil off the Forth Rail Bridge. I am getting on much better with my Mother, who I love. I have become an Auntie. I have travelled to Paris with my beloved and had lunch up the Eiffel Tower with him and some friendly pigeons. I have become a member of Ravelry which has opened many doors to me in the knitting world including penpals who send me the most wonderful letters and gifts. I now attend Loving Hands meetings and have been knitting like a demon for various charities. I began keeping not 1 but 2 blogs which assist my motivation (or were meant to!!)
Birthdays aside, but presents still forthcoming..yesterday I got a fab package in the mail from
Sarah after she posted Pay It Forward. A cute little hat in the most fabulous Manos Del Uraguay wool. See pic above for super hat/silly face. So, now its my turn. It’s based on the concept made famous in the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness pass it on. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet (I am going to try and knit them ) but it will be sent within 6 months and that’s a promise! What you should do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. Any takers?

Yey! I'm so glad you like it :o)
Love the hat! I think we both did very well choosing Sarah as our PIFer :o)
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!
Hope you had a great birthday! And sarah's hat looks great...suits you!!
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