A couple of weeks ago a friend asked me to knit some 'Hug' scarves for her neices (in super thick Sidar Bigga yarn). I was happy to oblige but at the time pondered who would need a thick cosy scarf in April. Now of course they seem the perfect gift....I may even have to knit one for myself before the week is out!
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
Butterflies & Big Spiders
Yes, Tuesday past the sun was shining and having enjoyed our previous day at The Secret Bunker we opted to do something else fun. So we jumped in our motor 'Bella' and headed across the water to Edinburgh. Just off the city bypass is Edinburgh's Butterfly & Insect World and what a lovely little place it is. Having previously visited at the age of 9, I was glad to find it virtually unchanged (except perhaps for the stonking huge Dobbie's Garden centre next door).
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Secret Bunker

(photo above by www.photographicdesigns.co.uk)
It was a really interesting visit but perhaps more suitable for grown-ups rather than a place to take kids.. it was amazing to think that this underground place existed for years without most of us Fife residents being any the wiser.
We rounded off the day by a quick detour home to nearby coastal town Anstruther where we visited the R.N.L.I shop and then had (award winning) fish and chips overlooking the harbour.
I'll tell you about another good day out in my next post..............
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Happy 30th Bro

However whilst I retained my petite stature...the boy kept growing (and growing!). At 6 ft 2, he towers over my dinky 4ft 6 ins. Height aside I am still most definitely his BIG sister and never hold back from telling him 'what's what'!
Saturday, 6 March 2010
So, I got the cold and then got myself to the doctors for a course of antibiotics and after 5 days of sneezing, sweating, shivering and coughing up junk..I have finally turned a corner. Hooray!
The Mister still has me under house arrest which is just as well as even a walk to the bathroom feels like a 10 mile trek (as oppose to the 5 metres it possibly is). Television is driving me crazy and knitting just doesn't seem to be an option right now. Farmville is proving as addictive as ever although the Mister has proved his worth as a great farmhand when I've been out of sorts during harvest time.
Thank goodness for the love of a good man..albeit a bossy one.