Whatever you are up to ,whether you are celebrating the religious holiday or just taking the opportunity of putting your feet up and scoffing as many Cream Eggs as you physically can..ENJOY!
Big cheers to Jesus for rolling that stone away from his tomb and thus giving us the tradition of rolling eggs in his memory because I am presently munching on a very lovely Malteasers Easter egg, and boy does it taste fab.
On the knitting front I have been shopping for wool again (it's a weakness). I bought some Patons Studio mohair DK for a pattern I was drawn to in the latest issue of Let's Knit magazine. The wool suggested was twice as expensive and as this is my first 'proper knit' for myself I didn't want to break the bank..besides I now find I will have to go and buy some 5mm circular needles. Who first suggested us Scots were tight? Well in this case they were spot on. Guilty!
After being sent some multi coloured wool from some lovely peeps on Ravelry I have done a couple of more knits for the Shoebox Appeal. These colourful items will then go onto kids in Eastern Europe along with essential items Gavin and I have adding in with our weekly shop.
I must admit after trying on this very basic but very bright scarf I have been tempted to keep it for myself but alas that would go against my do-gooder sense of ethics..ah well to Bulgaria or Albania it shall go!
1 comment:
Happy Easter to you too - that yarn buying wekaness thing? Understand it completely! Looks like someone will be very happy in their bright and cheery scarf :o)
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